Price: CAD $10.00

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Product Code: CEASG
The Coming Economic Armageddon CD Album
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The Coming Economic Armageddon

CD Album

The birth of the kingdom of God - the thousand-year millennial rule of Christ - will be preceded by ...
 Add to Cart Price: $50

The Coming Economic Armageddon

Study Guide

Price: CAD $10.00

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Product Code: CEASG

The birth of the kingdom of God - the thousand-year millennial rule of Christ - will be preceded by birth pangs.

One of the most severe birth pangs has already started: pains associated with the upheaval and chaos in the world's economic and financial systems. Since 2008, when the current financial crisis began, calls have been heard for the establishment of a “new world economic order” to deal with the problem. World-level chaos has trickled down to the man on the street: unemployment, debt, foreclosures, and loss of hope. In this study guide, Dr. David Jeremiah covers ten crucial aspects of the present and future economic changes in our world - and reminds readers to keep their trust in God alone, the only true source of safety and security in our world.
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The Coming Economic Armageddon CD Album
The Coming Economic Armageddon Learn More

The Coming Economic Armageddon

CD Album

The birth of the kingdom of God - the thousand-year millennial rule of Christ - will be preceded by ...
 Add to Cart Price: $50
Jeremiah Bible Study Series
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The Jeremiah Study Bible
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