The Focused Life
Turning to the Psalms and Proverbs each day will keep you tuned in to God's wisdom, blessings, and promises every day with The Focused Life by Dr. David Jeremiah. This specially crafted book features an attractive leather-like cover and a month-long reading plan that takes you through the transformative teachings of Psalms and Proverbs.
As you weave together and experience the power of the hymnal of the Hebrews, with poetry, songs, and truths that surpass the knowledge of the world's greatest philosophers, you will always have a song to sing, a map to follow, and a Savior to serve!
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Timeless Wisdom for Everyday Success
The Focused Life: Psalms and Proverbs Reading Plan combines Psalms and Proverbs, helping you navigate life's storms with God's portable rules for living. Embark on a journey to transform your life with the undeniable wisdom of these enriching texts.
Let God’s Word guide your daily life as you discover advice on working hard, eating and drinking wisely, keeping your temper, guarding your tongue, avoiding unhealthy friendships and immoral living, handling money well, and making good decisions in matters great and small.
Together, Psalms and Proverbs can help you navigate any storm that comes your way.
Request Now“I personally use this simple yet impactful book in my own daily quiet time.”
— David Jeremiah
This Is one of our most requested devotional resources of all time!
Features of The Focused Life include:
- All 150 Psalms and 31 Proverbs in the New Living Translation
- Durable, leatherlike binding
- A topical reference guide
- Space for taking notes
- Interpretive notes
- 31 daily readings
- Gilded edges
15 Benefits to Reading Psalms and Proverbs
Change the oil in the car. Cook at home more often. Get adequate sleep. Play with the kids. Balance the budget. Walk the dog. Read the Bible. With so many worthwhile things to do, we often struggle to fit everything in. According to LifeWay Research, most Americans have a favorable view of the Bible, but only 57% say they’ve read at least half of it.1
We may feel the effects of neglecting our physical needs first, but nothing could be more important than spending time in God’s Word. The books of Psalms and Proverbs are a perfect place to start. Both poetic and practical, they address every human emotion and instruct us in righteous living.
Consider these fifteen benefits of reading Psalms and Proverbs.
1. Connection with believers from every era. The book of Psalms is the hymnbook of God’s ancient people. To read its words is to read lyrics that once echoed off the walls of the temple in Jerusalem. It connects us to believers from ages past.
Change the oil in the car. Cook at home more often. Get adequate sleep. Play with the kids. Balance the budget. Walk the dog. Read the Bible. With so many worthwhile things to do, we often struggle to fit everything in. According to LifeWay Research, most Americans have a favorable view of the Bible, but only 57% say they’ve read at least half of it.1
We may feel the effects of neglecting our physical needs first, but nothing could be more important than spending time in God’s Word. The books of Psalms and Proverbs are a perfect place to start. Both poetic and practical, they address every human emotion and instruct us in righteous living.
Consider these fifteen benefits of reading Psalms and Proverbs.
- Connection with believers from every era. The book of Psalms is the hymnbook of God’s ancient people. To read its words is to read lyrics that once echoed off the walls of the temple in Jerusalem. It connects us to believers from ages past.
- Commemoration of significant events. When God’s people gather, whether in times of grief or celebration, they sing. The psalms are a rich source of lyrics for hymns and contemporary worship music. Through these timeless words, we find the perspective to acknowledge God’s sovereignty over every circumstance.
- Permission to plead with God. Approximately one-third of the psalms are known as psalms of lamentation. Their writers plead with God to intervene on their behalf and beg questions that begin with “Why?” These heartfelt appeals encourage us to approach God’s throne of grace with boldness, seeking mercy and grace in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).
- Confirmation of God's protection and provision when we feel weak. In Psalm 103:14, David reminds us that the Lord "knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust." Knowing who we are and what we wrestle with on earth, God gives us reassurance that He will sustain us through it all.
- Expression of life's highs and lows. Perhaps no other book of the Bible can act as a companion in our daily lives, with its joys, heartaches, and dramas, as the book of Psalms does. A collection of songs, prayers, and poetry, it eloquently expresses the height and depth of human emotions.
- Integration of body, mind, and soul. In Matthew 22, Jesus said the greatest commandment is to "love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind" (verse 37). The psalms show us how to worship God—with courage, memory, intellect, and our body.
- Magnification of God in our heart and mind. Full of praise, the psalms magnify God in our heart, our mind, and our spirit. They stretch our mental picture of God into its proper context.
- Inspiration to creatively worship God. The psalmists' vivid imagery inspires us to worship God creatively. Although we may never capture the brilliance of these writers, their words inspire us to stretch our minds to grasp the vastness of God. When we fail to find the words ourselves, we can turn to the psalms for words of worship.
- Information about core precepts of the Bible. Some of Christianity's most fundamental doctrines are described in the book of Psalms: evidence for the existence of God (Psalm 19:1-4), Creation (Psalm 104), God's plan for humanity's redemption (Psalm 18:49), His discipline (Psalm 89:30-32; 119:67-75), and the inerrancy of Scripture (Psalm 119:60).
- Orientation to God's priorities. The book of Psalms reminds us to prioritize God's Kingdom, law, glory, and standards, while Proverbs provides instructions for maintaining healthy human relationships. Reading them together keeps us oriented to God's priorities and wisdom.
- Instruction for righteous living. The sayings in the book of Proverbs were intended to instruct God's people on how to pursue righteous living. No book in the Bible sets out its purpose with greater clarity than Proverbs: "to know wisdom and instruction, to perceive the words of understanding, to receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, judgment, and equity; to give prudence to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion" (1:1-4).
- Perception to discern and apply truth. The book of Proverbs draws a sharp contrast between the wisdom of living life skillfully in the Kingdom of God and the foolishness of living apart from the knowledge of God. It not only teaches us to seek wisdom but also to apply God's wisdom to the circumstances and relationships where we need it most.
- Transmission of godly principles to future generations. The phrase "my son" occurs 23 times in Proverbs, highlighting one of the primary literary features of the book: the transmission of wisdom from parents to children. The family is viewed as life's primary context for imparting wisdom and understanding. Proverbs fits perfectly with the admonition to parents to be diligent in teaching children the ways of God and the skills for living a God-honoring life (Deuteronomy 6:4-9).
- Correctional guidelines for authorities. Underlying Proverbs is the understanding that human beings need training, correction, and discipline. (In the Hebrew, the word for discipline occurs some thirty times in this book.) Because we all lack wisdom, instruction is needed, especially for children. Proverbs presents two kinds of correction: one initiated by parents or authorities, and one that flows naturally from violating God's principles (reaping what we sow).
- Communication strategies for building healthy relationships. Proverbs highlights the importance of our speech: it can lead others to knowledge and bring healing to relationships, or it can be destructive when used recklessly or harshly. Throughout Proverbs, we are reminded that our words are powerful and must be weighed carefully by both speakers and listeners.
Large Print, Leather Luxe
The Jeremiah Study Bible
Discover what the Bible says, what it means, and what it means for you with Dr. Jeremiah’s legacy resource—drawing on more than 40 years of his own personal Bible study!
Comprehensive in scope, yet easy to understand, The Jeremiah Study Bible is a 2,200-page, one-of-a-kind study tool featuring:
- Unique introductions to each book of the Bible from Dr. Jeremiah
- 8,000 individual study notes with both insightful and practical content
- Words of Jesus in red-letter print
- Hundreds of enriching sidebars with word studies, historical insights, and geographical and archeological information
- More than 55 full-page articles exploring the essential themes of the Christian life
- An 80-page general concordance plus a teacher’s topical index
- Colorful maps, charts, and tables
- And so much more!
Request The Focused Life share pack together with The Jeremiah Study Bible—a powerful study combination that is sure to enhance your daily quiet time with the Lord.
A Divine Appointment
Recently, I was at a San Diego Padres baseball game with a pastor friend who had come to visit on vacation. In the section where our seats were located, a woman named Debra was serving food and concessions.
During the game Debra came over to where I was seated to ask: “Are you really David Jeremiah?”
She proceeded to tell me that she had recently gotten out of prison. While she was serving her sentence, someone had given her a copy of our monthly Turning Points devotional magazine, and she read it cover-to-cover in one sitting. When she got to the end of the magazine, where we always present the Gospel, she accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior!
The Lord has burdened my heart to reach more people like Debra in particular—people who are in prison across the country and across the border—through The Heart of Christmas Project.
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The Focused Life
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• All 150 Psalms and 31 Proverbs in the New Living Translation
• Durable, leatherlike binding
• A topical reference guide
• Space for taking notes
• Interpetive notes
• 31 daily readings
• Gilded edges
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The Focused Life 4-Pack + The Jeremiah Study Bible
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